Birthday Parties with a difference

Activity length: 1.5 hours

Cost: depending on location, please ask for details.

Ages: 8 and above.

All materials are supplied. Additional tables are also brought. Parents can take part too!


Have you got a child with a birthday coming up AND a love for science? Seanie can cater for ages 9 and above with a Pop Rocket Making Workshop!

Art and crafts for about 25 minutes where each child will make their own pop rocket (all materials supplied).

Learn a little about the How and Why of rocket flight, demonstrating with balloons and other aids.

Then, using a little chemistry, 2 fules are mixed to pop each rocket off the table!

Seanie provides everything needed, and each participant will get to keep their creation along with Seanie's unique engine bottle to keep the fun going.

Seanie will also bring a launchpad and larger bottle rocket to launch with high-pressure air and water outdoors.


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