Making Space Rockets in the Classroom

Who doesn't like the idea of making a space rocket and actually launching it! Seanie brings two Rocket Making Workshops available to anywhere in Ireland. All materials, art and craft supplies, and fuels are supplied. Find out more below:


Pop Rocket Making Workshop

The simplest rockets use few components and still get enough power to lift-off. This activity has a dual role: combine art and craft that is perfect for families and children of any age, with actual science to learn how rocketry works (Isaac Newton anyone?) and popping your own rocket on the spot. Learn about the history of rockets while building your own from simple everyday materials. Discover how and why a rocket works using balloons before launching your own rocket in the classroom. Seanie brings a special bottle engine to combine the fuels of bicarbonate of soda and white vinegar. A small mess is guaranteed, with lots of fun and whoops in the process! Each participant gets to keep their own handmade space rocket and an engine bottle to keep the fun going long after Seanie has left the classroom.

This activity is fully interactive and Seanie gets pupils to act as helpers during the session.


1 hour 20 minutes maximum (it 'flies' by!).


Number of participants:

Typical classroom up to 30 pupils (teachers can take part too!).



Participants are asked to bring their own toilet role insert. The classroom tables should be cleared and arranged  in a large 'U' shape, chairs put aside.


Seanie Brings:

All art and craft materials (scissors, sellotapes, markers, googley eyes, paper, etc.), fuels, re-usable bottle engines, launch trays, clean-up aids. Participants might need to bring toilet roll inserts (Seanie usually has a supply of these).


Download the flyer here

Download the Classroom Pop Rockets Workshop flyer